These pictures were taken on sunday afternoon, hungover after only 4 hours sleep on my way to a casual band meeting in the centre of town with Lewis! We actually had a really nice pub lunch (at 6pm) and the desert was so amazingly scrumptious! Haha! I had a pretty cool weekend to be honest! Lazy saturday full of playing music with friends and jumping on the trampoline, then a really cool house-warming party in East London in a humongous house! Lizzie does that thing where she is registered with an agency called AdHoc Agency which takes care of housing people in buildings that need looking after before being sold on to other people. The amazing thing about that is that the rent is ultra cheap (£270 all included) and the room she gets is really big, so is the house (even though she has to share it with 9 other people, I bet it doesn't feel crowded!). It was great!
It was really quite hot on sunday, not so hot on saturday night, that explains the layers... I was indeed wearing my little new black dress, my hippy green pixie top, my striped cardigan, some lacy tights, ankle boots and a little brown coat! On sunday though, I stuck to the little black dress, and just one pair of socks in my new (ebay) clarks ankle boots! Don't you just love that outfit with that hat?! We slept at Alex's house as we got back home in a cab with alex, jasper, lewis and two girls from swansea we met at Leamington Peace Festival, Rachel and Sophie, sisters, the first one being Jasper's new fuck buddy (yeah he split up with his wife for like the hundredth million time!)... ANyway, Lewis and I went for a band meeting in Warren Street at the Carpenter's Arms pub and had a nice lunch and talk with Kemi (who I work with) and the people she rounded up to play her tunes live (The Kemistry Music on myspace)...
That's it for this weekend I guess!


Vendredi 16 juillet 2010 à 4:05

May 28: Just finished uni. Just handed in the very last essay for my degree :) :) FInally free? Evening was spent having lots of fun and drinking lots and going to the Black Eyed Peas after party as a joint bday party from a few people at work, I love working at the o2, so many perks!

May 29: Today's Lorrie and danny's leaving party at the Salysbury, just down the road from me. Even though I think she's a proper bitch and we haven't talked in like a year, I think I'll go anyway, I have the right to celebrate the end of my degree, don't I? Plus it might be a good idea to reconnect before she fucks off to New Zealand for a year or two. The evening is good and she even apologises! I spend a lot of time getting drunk with Maria and feeling very happy to finally be able to let my hair down!! It all ends in tears anyway, after a big mission in the bus all the way to cockfosters, where L&D live. Danny disappeared, of course he's shit scared to leave so far and for so long, and he's been cheating quite a bit on Lorrie for their whole relationship (so has she, they ain't better than one another!) and we get kicked out. I'm pissed that I can't get Maria to leave, Lorrie and Tally just suck the attention of too nice people. Tally also apologised to me tonight, she was being a proper bitch when Lorrie was upset and I put her in her place. I guess I did quite a few things right tonight. Except I got into a big argument with Lew over the phone. I won't be seeing him for another couple of weeks and he's annoyed that i got drunk and flirty and stupid and he wasn't there, and i'm annoyed that he wasn't there too. (edit June 3: I actually spent a whole day crying because i thought he was going to leave me, but we had a quasi rational phone conversation, and i can't wait to see him again, he loves me :)
June 13: The news are that I’m helping my boyfriend with the organisation of his festival, it happens next weekend so we’re in big stress mode right now cos there’s still so much to do! but i guess we’ll get it done. I’m going to where he lives on tuesday! I’m looking forward to it and not at the same time. I’m excited to see where he lives and stuff, cos i’ve never been there, i was too busy with my final year at uni so he was the one coming to see me most of the time. My excuse is that he’s not lived there long. But it’s a caravan in the garden of his flat/caravanmate’s parents… so i’m not looking forward to spending a week in a caravan!!

We started Green Tea. A business, it's tiring and scary, but the event at Leamington Peace Festival was extremely successful!
June 24: We went for a walk on the hill. Just Lewis and me. Proper quality time. In between green tea and all these assignments to help lewis finish for uni and Open Avenue that still goes on, we haven't really had any time to spend just us and that was really good. I am loving every quality moment we spend together and cannot believe that I love him more everyday.
June 27: it is the hottest day of the year … And I spent it in an air conditioned office all day! Yes I worked all weekend, and I am knackered… Since I was at Lewis’s house/caravan, I have come back to london, because of this weekend’s shifts at work, and have not had any time; not even to empty my suitcase! On wednesday we had to drive to Birmingham because he and his flatmate had to go in for an exam, so Gina (the flatmate’s 16 year old girlfriend) and i went shopping in the city… although i had to be careful what i looked at and what i thought of buying because she only had £3 to her name and I did not want to seem too rich next to her (cos I’m not)! I ended up buying a skirt from the sales in that amazing vintage shop right by the college for £3 and an H&M polka dotted skirt!
June 28: I can’t wait to get my new tattoo! I’m pretty sure I’ve got near to the final design!!

July 1: I went to the hairdresser's today for a much needed trim. Finally my hair will look healthy again! I will be dying my hair this weekend after buying the dye from Morrisons with Lewis. It's a marvellous reddish brown (Edit 5th July: the colour indeed suits me marvellously, I am in love). I’m getting my degree mark tomorrow, and I think I’ll go return a lace top from UO sales that I won’t be wearing and get a few sale items from H&M like some high waisted shorts in oxford circus, because the store is so much bigger than the one closest to me (I actually didn't have time to buy anything, but I did some more internet sale shopping at UO on July 14, and on the weekend of the 5th I got a few cheap items from H&M and some high waisted shorts in the miss selfridge sales). Since I’m making the trip to uni to see my grade, I just need to stop off on the way back! I’ll either congratulate myself or console myself, depending on the outcome of my degree!! My biggest gift for finishing my degree though is my next tattoo, I seriously need to take an appointment now!
July 2: I got my degree mark: 72% and I am thrilled!!! Yes I actually got a FIRST :) :) :) :)

July 14: My stupid cats, well they’re not mine really, but Lewis's parents, have brought loads of fleas in the house and my room hasn’t been spared… I haven’t had any clothes or any time to do anything but clean. I was in my old sweaters everyday while de-fleaing the room, tidying everything and spraying the whole floor and wardrobe with flea-killing chemicals. I have washed about half of my entire closet, and it’s already taken 5 days!! My washing machine is so slow though, and since it has been crappy weather in the past two to three days, I can’t let my clothes dry outside and it takes around 15 hours for them to be completely dry when inside! Grrrr so annoyed at my boyfriend’s parents (who I live with) for not having done the cats flea treatment on time!!!

July 15: I have been kind of down these past few days… Lewis has been away, running a big project in the west midlands and having an equally hard and exciting time, and I still don’t have a job. The other day I sent my application letter to my university tutor for some feedback before sending it for the temporary job that will be the key to my dream job if I get it, and she answered back that the way it was written was certainly not going to cut it and get me an interview. Here lays the reason to my joblessness so I am quite demoralised! + I haven’t had any shifts this week, so not earning any money, my saturday shift got cancelled when the event I was working for got cancelled and I spent the whole week doing laundry to make sure I’m getting rid of all those stupid fleas! I was really excited about Re-evaluation counselling tonight though, the previous plan for this week was going to prevent me from going, but since it changed I was able to go to the monthly on-going class (albeit about one hour late cos I ended up completely forgetting about it!!), and when I arrived I was told the subject for discharge today was ‘closeness and sex, anything around sex’… So imagine my disbelief when I realised that this was the subject at the root of all my trust and safety issues and that I really need to make an extraordinary effort to work on that in all my sessions from now on… it would DEFINITELY make my day-to-day life a lot easier.

Some more outfit shots and more from the past few months:

I know it's a lot of pictures at once but I only just found how to export my photos from iphoto in smaller sizes, and before i simply could not upload them on this site as they were too heavy! :)
 J'ai été distraite pendant un bon ptit bout de temps a cause du boulot pour la fac, assez impressionnant pendant la dernière semaine du mois de Mars, et après j'ai commencé mes soit-disant vacances pendant lesquelles je dois tanner pour finir mon mémoire et autres trucs académiques à écrire. Je me suis aussi inscrite sur chictopia, et j'ai déjà posté 4 articles fashion. Je vais poster qq photos ici, juste pour vous montrer.

Sinon hier j'ai eu une dispute avec Alice, la femme de Jasper. Ça s'est arrangé grâce à mes merveilleuses décisions et à comment j'ai réagi; je n'étais pas en tort et elle s'est mise à gueuler quand même, donc j'ai presque du utiliser la force pour qu'elle ne se casse pas en claquant la porte. En vrai je l'ai simplement empêchée de sortir de la salle de bain dans laquelle elle s'était réfugiée pour une seconde et où fran, la mère de Jasper et mon copain Lewis l'avait rejointe pour essayer de la raisonner (bien sûr c'était un peu peine perdue) mais ô miracle! J'ai réussi a lui faire cracher le morceau du pourquoi elle était tellement en colère contre moi! La raison provenait d'un malentendu bien entend! Et au lieu de venir me parler de ce qu'on lui avait dit que j'avais apparemment parler derrière son dos, elle a préféré m'ignorer pendant le repas, et me gueuler dessus après sans aucune envie de régler l'affaire. Encore un fois c'est moi, bibi, qu'ait du prendre sur moi pour apaiser les choses! Au final, j'ai du me justifier pour avoir exprimé mon opinion sur le genre de job qu'elle fait (et qui lui avait été rapporté complètement faussement!!), et aussi lui expliquer pourquoi je lui parais impolie et non sociable; le problème avec cette fille c'est qu'elle a pas eu une vie facile et qu'elle croit que tout le monde la déteste et que tout le monde a eu une vie rêvée; après elle demande que les autres ne la juge pas derrière son dos, mais elle fait ça avec tout le monde, et moi la première, sans se poser de questions! Du coup quand elle se sent personnellement attaquée (99% du temps) elle se met dans une colère terrible et fait une crise enfantine, elle fait peur a tout le monde en gueulant sur tout le monde et en blâmant tout le monde et après elle se casse en claquant la porte et en prenant Jasper avec.

Enfin bref au bout du compte on a finit par parler toutes les trois de comme quoi on étaient pas si différentes dans le sens où les gens nous traitent toujours comme les folles de services qui contrôlent leur mec (Alice avec Jasper, le frère de Lewis; Fran avec Brett, le père de Lewis, et moi avec Lewis) simplement parce qu'on s'exprime fort quand qqchose ne va pas. En vrai les + manipulateurs sont ceux qui ne disent rien, donc nos mec, et comme ils sont de la même famille, on a pu en parler ensemble en connaissance de causes. On a aussi parlé du groupe de potes de Jasper et Lewis que Alice déteste! Et j'étais, en + de tout le reste, une cible facile pour elle se venger du groupe car elle croyait que j'étais une partie intégrale de ce groupe de connards alors que ça fait des lustres que je traine plus avec eux et que la seule raison pour laquelle je faisais ça l'année ou elle a débarqué, c'était pour m'avoir mon Lewis!!

Le retournement de situation grace a mes décisions était flagrant et je suis super fière! Oui, papa, j'espère que tu me lis encore, car oui je suis fière, et il n'y a pas de mal à ça quand on a de bonnes raisons de l'être!

Voilà les gens, je vous souhaite une bonne journée, j'espère que mettre mes photos ici ça va marcher!

One day my sister wrote on her blog the following paragraph:
'Quelqu'un peut me dire pourquoi ma mère est malade? Why? Why is mummy crying?
Pour ceux qui ne savent pas, je ne parle plus à mon père depuis a peu près 3 semaines. Et j'en souffre beaucoup.
Je gâche tout ce que je touche: amitié, fraternité, amour.
Les gens, est-ce que quelqu'un sait ce que ça fait? De voir sa mère faire des crises de nerfs de tristesse, des vraies crises de nerfs, au sens littéral. Et personne ne sais comme ça me fait mal de penser à ma soeur, j'aimerai tellement qu'elle soit heureuse, sa vie est triste. Comment pas en vouloir à mon père? Et puis je suis jalouse d'elle d'un côté, elle ne doit pas faire face au cancer de ma mère tous les jours. Est-ce que quelqu'un sait ce que c'est de ne plus voir son père? Certes je ne suis pas la seule, mais les circonstances changent pour chaque situation. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'expliquer pourquoi la vie n'est formée que de merdes, accumulées avec d'autres merde..."

Wow, donc que j'ai lu ça pour la première fois, ça m'a fait bien mal au coeur. Pour elle, et pour moi, et pour ma mère. Le premier cancer je l'ai vécu et vraiment pas si bien que ça même si la aussi je ne le montrai pas (en tout cas pas à la maison); et je serai revenue en france l'année dernière si ma mère ne m'en avait pas empêchée en me disant que je devais finir ma licence, qu'elle ne me laisserait pas foutre ma vie en l'air pour elle. Et puis maintenant ma soeur a repris contact avec mon père. La situation entre elle et lui n'a pas été autant détruite que celle entre lui et moi... Elle est pas aussi merdique. Il l'écoute un peu, même quand elle dit la vérité, même quand il a énormément de mal a l'accepter, et elle a décidé qu'elle ferait aussi des concessions, qu'elle subirait un minimum de ses constantes complaintes 'moi-moi-moi'. Moi je ne peux plus. Mon coeur, ma tête n'en peuvent plus. Je suis fatiguée et en colère et je ne peux plus avancer comme ça. Donc je travaille sur moi (as unfair as it is that I have to do that work when I did not create the initial problem!!). Ma vie n'est pas triste, mais ma vie est dure. Je ne le fais pas trop transparaître dans la vie de tous les jours, je parais cette fille un peu excentrique qui se concentre fort sur son travail et pète un plomb une fois par mois (ou deux ou trois)! Comment faire comprendre a ceux qui pensent que ma vie est super rose car j'ai le copain parfait, ma vie dans la capitale Anglaise, troisième année de Arts Management et bien partie pour avoir une des meilleures notes... Comment faire comprendre à ceux qui pensent comme ça que en fait je ne vois mon copain que toutes les deux semaines car il habite loin de moi et ça fait mal au coeur. Que je bosse comme une tarée et que j'ai pas papa maman pour m'aider a faire mon linge et la cuisine le weekend. Que la capitale Anglaise c'est bien beau mais que bon loin de ma mère (pas encore) guérie, ma soeur chérie, et ma super mamie c'est pas facile tous les jours.... Si je prononce ne serait-ce qu'une petite complainte sur ces sujets à mes 'ami(e)s' français(es), je me fais rabrouer vigoureusement comme quoi je n'ai aucune raison de faire la gueule, jamais. Alors je ferme ma gueule la plupart du temps et c'est souvent mon chéri qui s'en prend plein la tronche un weekend sur deux! Ne me poussez même pas a continuer sur le sujet de mon père, personne que je connais ne peux concourir avec moi sur ça!

Enfin bref c'est toujours pareil, si on cache bien nos meurs, tout le monde croit que l'herbe de notre jardin est verte et ils nous font souvent bien la tête si on exprime ne serait-ce qu'une phrase sur des choses qui ne vont pas aussi bien qu'elles le paraissent (God Bless Co-Counselling and people who actually work to learn to listen to others!). Ceci n'est pas pour dire que je suis mal dans ma peau et mal dans ma vie; j'essaye de trouver le bien dans tout même si souvent c'est difficile. Et c'est vrai qu'en ce moment, j'ai rarement le temps de penser à toutes ces choses! Comme quoi avoir à préparer des présentations, écrire/rechercher pour un mémoire, écrire un rapport et une dissert' et tout ça pour dans un mois et demi, ça a ses bons côtés! 

Très busy-ment vôtre!
 I love feeling this way. When all the thoughts in my head are full of ambition and desire to see the world and that overwhelming feeling that anything is possible. I love when I want all the things I like and I know I can have them. Yesterday and Today were/are full of these thoughts and feelings. The weather is really sunny and it's wonderful to have such a weekend. I did lots of tidying and washing and cleaning and I managed to get all the results from my dissertation questionnaire in order which I am really proud of. I want all of it to flow like it has done in the past 30 hours because it is so nice. It is wonderful to feel hopeful for this world and this life and decide easily not to get worn down by the crisis and drama that goes around everyday. Because if I thought about all of that, I wouldn't live and I would never be happy and this is definitely not a state I ever want to be in. So what if I have my days where I am completely depressed? I say, as long as I have great days alongside them, I'll be even more prone to enjoy those knowing that bad feelings/things happen too. I hope you too are having a good weekend!
 I want a piercing on top of my lip in the centre, I want high waisted denim shorts, I want a treble clef tattoo at the top of my neck and a circle design under my tribal butterfly on my back. I want to move in with Lewis, get a programming job for a dance organisation and get a nice flat and a dog (maybe that breed Fran's parents used to have puppies of, I found a picture that looked like one and they called it 'labrador retriever' but I know the dog I'm thinking of has another name for it; or a sheep dog, they are so cool)... Actually Lewis and I would be happy living on a farm, with a barn, running open mic nights at the weekend and working a job that we like in the week. That would mean making money and saving money. I just have that thought, more and more these days, that Lewis and I are meant to be. We are meant to be together for a long time. I do imagine us perfectly, having a nice but modest wedding, getting a dog, a nice place to live somewhere, and then having babies. I imagine my mum visiting us, and then when she retires, moving closer to us, at least to the west of France so that she only needs to take a boat and a short train to see us and not a plane! I have flashes and dreams in my mind of what kind of life I want for myself, and I know that includes Lewis, and making it work. There are just so many things one can do in their life, one can make happen. The only annoying aspect of that possibility is to have to make choices, and sometimes those choices will lead to something we didn't expect. And as humans we never really expect the unexpected to be good; it's just in our nature to be quite pessimistic. At least it is in mine. It feels like I don't want to choose anything because I am so scared it will be the 'wrong' decision/choice. In consequence I stay stuck, no going forward in my life and simultaneously I don't seize chances that might come to me as I don't give my mind space to recognise them and I also usually just takes what comes instead of choosing for myself, stupidly thinking what comes cannot be worse than a 'bad' choice. Truth is, there are no bad/wrong choices; whatever happens happens, and we always learn from it. The quicker we learn to recognise what we want, the quicker we can realise whether the decision taken was a 'good' one, as in the one that takes you in the nicest and quickest way to where you want to be. One of the tricks is to try and enjoy the journey. Maybe there is no real goal, maybe it's just some sort of fantasy, but if you don't enjoy the journey, you end up old and senile, realising far too late that you wasted your life cursing your choices rather than enjoying the challenges and life lessons that came your way. 

I mean it's all great and stuff to know the science of life, sort of, but putting it into practice is so hard. For example in the life of any woman, we have to suffer premenstrual tension and many people in our life remind us of this syndrome when we have not managed to notice the reason for our irritability/anger/stress/anxiety/... I have been feeling this way since this morning and this will last until next monday when I start my periods. Already this crap is making us enjoy our life less, and probably enjoy being human/a woman much less. However, I might be able to decide to take the decision everyday to do what I want and what I see fit so that I get to where I want to be. I have some idea of what my values are and what I want to achieve in life, so why not try and edge towards that. As those who read might understand, I want a family and a job I like (probably in dance programming). So I will try and work towards that. First goal: get my degree (even a first seems feasible right now since my first semester i got a first in every module!!)!
 Edit 15:15 : I forgot to talk about my new boss; She's definitely good at her job, but she's so horrible. You know the kind of manager who never says 'well done', who never motivates you, who never meshes with the other employees cos she's so up her own arse, even though she arrived in the Box Office like a year after me as a casual, she just had the time and the experience required to go for the duty manager job. I'm so pissed that our previous manager left to go back to Australia. He was great at his job, very hard working, motivating, strict, but also nice and funny and helpful, and relax when needed you know! She's just not. So I left work crying on friday. I've only worked 3 days there since she's been manager (sounds like not much but since this is my last year at uni, i don't have that much time for work at all), and I can already see the influence she's had: good in the way that the office is organised and she's made executive changes that are good even though fucking time consuming (like having to send a confirmation email to everyone who books tickets through the disabled booking line, even though the phone usually rings non stop), but really bad in the way that she's out of order when she relates to us all. 

On friday evening, I was the last one to leave the office, before her, and I went to tell her that I was sorry I couldn't work that much but that as soon as I was finished with uni, I'd be like "Yay, work!" (I obviously meant it like 'yay, finally time to earn money!!') and she answers me with disdain "no, you won't". Fucking bitch! 
Another anecdote is about me closing my window when it said it was 9:05pm on my computer (I finish at 9pm). She comes over, sees that my colleague's computer says 8:58pm, and tells me to reopen my window (even though my colleague had closed hers and was already counting her money - which takes about 15 minutes). So I had to reopen my window, take another customer, and finish 15 minutes late, leaving work at 9:30 instead of 9:15 at most, obviously time that I'm not getting paid for!!
I think she doesn't like me. I don't think she likes anyone to be honest and doesn't hide it very well. 

Anyway, when I ask for 4 shifts, I only get 2, let's see if I ask for 2 how many she'll give me.
So that's it, I don't know what I'll do, cos when I finish uni, I plan on working a minimum of 4 shifts per week, and when Pat was manager, he really helped when I needed more shifts in the summer, I just don't know how helpful she'll be. I really hope I'll get what I want/need cos otherwise I'm gonna need to find a new job straight away, and I thought I could wait for after our Cyprus trip in October (if that happens) to do that...
 So yesterday I had the great idea of going through my Spring/Summer clothes cause I really needed to cheer up, and I rediscovered loads of pieces I'd completely forgotten about, and it did make me pretty happy. I was looking at/thinking about my Autumn/Winter wardrobe and only seeing boring and same-looking clothes and found it quite depressing. I just felt compelled to browse through loads of fashion shops websites in order to renew it all but then realised I have a lot of great stuff - colours and great shapes -  packed away for when the weather gets warmer. Although I could already start wearing some of it with layers under for warmth!

So anyway, I've decided that my next shopping trip will be to a second hand shop - the one on Green Lanes for Cancer Research UK - get a bit of vintage feel in my wardrobe and at affordable prices (although everything I bought lately was on sale, such as my silk pyjamas that I got for £16.50 instead of £60!!).

Anyway, all those thoughts and mind-fuck about fashion and my clothes and how I look and dress has really slowed down my working for uni. Actually I haven't done anything at all yesterday and I can spend 5 hours straight browsing the web instead of writing essays and preparing presentations. The TV gets in the way too so I have to take the decision, again and again every single day, to work hard so that I pass my degree with a decent mark, and thus have to start working more everyday in my study. Today, that room smells really strong of washing liquid because it's also the drying room, so I might burn some incense first, but I am very determined to get some proper work done there today. I also want to have a long hot shower and bake banana bread. I can even do that really late if I want to because the corner shop - from which I need to go buy flour and eggs - is open until 11pm!

Anyway, that's it for today. I don't write very often, but then I have a lot to say. Well done to those who read everything, sorry for those who can't cause english isn't their first language (like me except I've been in England for 3 and a half years now) and it's a pain to read it all! Good day.

I have to go powder my nose.

Samedi 20 février 2010 à 18:15

 ha. Donc encore une autre semaine où j'étais malade! Pas de voix, mal de crâne, pas d'énergie, les émotions en compote. Et puis Lewis est enfin arrivé mardi après midi. Moi lessivée après 6 heures passées à la fac, j'étais bien contente de le voir arriver, sauf que je devais bosser sur mon mémoire, ce que j'ai fait jusqu'à 22 heures... :/ Mercredi, on avait décidé de passer une journée en amoureux à Kew Gardens, c'était super :) Le premier et seul jour de soleil de la semaine, tous les autres jours il pleuvait sans cesse... Jeudi la fac, et le co-counselling, puis une autre nuit presque sans sommeil étant donné que je me tiens éveillée jusqu'à pas d'heure en toussant/m'étouffant. Hier on a pris le train tous les deux, direction birmingham, puis kidderminster. De la, on était censé revenir sur birmingham, en voiture, pour aller voir Mr Scruff 'en concert' (enfin il est DJ ;), mais notre 'chauffeur', le coloc de lewis a des crises d'angoisses, et bien sûr, il en a eu toute la soirée d'hier, donc pas de voiture, ou de concert pour lui. Bref, on a du reprendre un train pour aller a Birmingham, puis un bus, et on a passé des heures à se demander 'mais putain qu'est-ce qu'on fout la, ça veut dire qu'on dépense beaucoup plus d'argent, et en + on doit aller dormir chez pete yelding!?'. Bref. On a passé un bon moment quand même, sauf que la machine a fumée m'a complètement détruit les poumons et la gorge, et j'ai cru que j'allais cracher l'intérieur de ma gorge tellement que j'avais mal! Du coup qu'on s'est couché tard, et qu'on était pas chez 'nous', on a du se lever après seulement 5 heures de sommeil (plutôt moins que ça avec toutes les quintes de toux que je me suis tapé!) et maintenant je suis super crevée, allongée sur le lit de Lewis, pendant qu'ils préparent leur soirée 'open mic night' dans le salon. Je suis fatiguée, et j'ai beaucoup de boulot à faire et j'ai envie de pleurer, mais rien que d'y penser, je me retiens, car je n'ai pas envie que ma gorge me gratte davantage. Bonne soirée.

My God et je viens de me rendre compte que je ne vous avait même pas dit que j'étais allée voir Muse en concert!!!!! C'était le 12 Novembre 2009 a The O2 Arena (mon lieu de travail)... J'ai eu vraiment beaucoup de chance de travailler là-bas, car je n'avais pas réussi a acheter de tickets sur internet à cause de ma connexion de merde et le fait que le site était tellement occupé! Donc après une semaine que les tickets étaient en vente, les deux dates londoniennes étaient déjà complète! C'était sans compter la bonté de ma boss qui m'a laissé acheter une des meilleures places qui sont garder sur un partie de réserve dans notre système! Et même si je ne reçois pas de rabais sur le prix, j'ai pu acheter une des meilleures places d'un concert complet!


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