
Lundi 13 avril 2009 à 23:26

In the 108. I read GLAMOUR. He reads The Bible. I felt stupid.


O2 disabled booking line how can I help?

Mercredi 8 avril 2009 à 17:40

Je suis au boulot, d'ou le fait que je ne puisse pas utiliser les accents que la langue francaise requiert... Le telephone ne sonne pas trop souvent et c'est toujours mieux d'etre a ce bureau plutot qu'a la fenetre car ces ordis ont l'internet donc on s'ennuie moins quand il n'y a pas de clients !

Lewis est a Londres en ce moment, mais comme je bosse aujourd'hui il est parti chez jake pour peindre et jouer a des jeux d'ordinateurs. Il ira surement voir ses parents avec leur petit chatons dont ils doivent s'occuper avec tres grande attention... le pauvre a perdu ses trois freres et soeurs qui sont mort avant de naitre et apres Enu a fait une fausse couche avec le quatrieme et n'a plus de lait pour le nourrir :( J'espere aller voir ce petit miracle ce soir...

Tres formal, mais travailler ici me rapporte beaucoup d'argent... une journee de 8h = £72
C'est les vacances, mais je bosse, et pas seulement ici, mais aussi pour la fac, et ya plutot interet a ce que je bosse un peu plus et plus rapidement dans les jours qui viennent. Mon emploi du temps du mois de mai me fait tres peur et faut que je prenne de l'avance.

30 avril: presentation stage
5 mai: spectacle sur lequel on a bosse toute l'annee
12 mai: j'ai 21 ans et je n'aurai probablement pas le temps de feter ca avant le mois de juin
15 mai: jour ou je dois rendre ma dissert/portfolio sur l'organisation du spectacle
18 mai: exam 'visual arts management'
21 mai: date a laquelle je dois rendre ma dissert pour 'european media'
28 mai: date a laquelle je dois rendre ma dissert pour mon stage

rien que de l'ecrire, ca me donne envie de vomir ...

Et vous la vie ca va?

there was a balloon in the sky

Jeudi 2 avril 2009 à 20:57

Je suis HAPPY grace a mon nouvel habillage que j'ai passé des heures à faire (avec mon peu de connaissance d'ordinateur et autres ustensils électroniques!)...

Mais bon maintenant il faudrait que je travaille sur ma dissert...


Jeudi 2 avril 2009 à 3:16

You will never know when it's the last kiss.

It is scary.

To be perfectly honest I have been really scared recently. By people wanted to meet me. I'm thinking maybe I intended for this to happen that way. That I was the one deciding to keep my 'enemy' much closer than my friends. She scares me. A lot of people scare me. I can even scare myself, with my thoughts and my acts, and what's happening in my life. The unknown is scary. But knowing that things won't always go the way I want them to go, that's scary too.

I wanna cry as well you know? I've cried a lot. I felt shit a lot. Not respected and not really cared for. Actually when it comes to certain people, they don't give a rat's ass about me. And that hurts. And respect! I'm gonna be 21 and some people think that they can disrespect me, treat me like a child and then expect me to be all adult about it! It's disgraceful! Adults are taking the piss!

I'm not so much angry as I am utterly disappointed by the way the world turned out to be. Vile and horrible. Selfish and disrespectful. All for the profit, nothing for the people. I hate it and I don't know what to do. Capitalism has been invented to make 99% of the world's population feel powerless, and they're doing great, I feel powerless.

To come back to the 'scared' part, I saw how the people from my class see me and it makes me want to dig myself a hole, get in it and never come out. I do not want to talk to people, get to know people, show people who I am, get close to them, if they are going to see me that way. Everyday I hate myself more than the one before, everyday I hate myself less than tomorrow. Because of the way I see myself, and because of the way other people make me feel, the way they treat me. I feel like a victim when I would like to be strong and not let anything break me.

Yes I definitely feel like shit at the moment. Really shit. And I don't even want the company of anybody, not even my boyfriend - which is also scary by the way, because if HE can't make me feel better, I don't know who or what can.


Lundi 16 février 2009 à 3:47

J'ai besoin de votre aide people!
mon ordi portable va surement rendre l'ame bientôt, et n'étant pas riche et ayant la possibilité de gagner un ordi gratuit grace a votre aide, lisez!

sur ce site vous devez juste compléter une offre et après vous avez la possibilité de gagner un objet, que ce soit un ordi, un téléphone, une console de jeu... il y en a pour tout le monde!
moi j'ai choisi un ordi portable et j'ai du compléter une offre avec Lovefilm, un truc pour louer des dvd et dont les 14 premiers jours sont gratuits...
voila, copiez collez le lien dans une nouvelle fenêtre et lançez vous, ce serait vraiment super! :)


Mercredi 11 février 2009 à 16:25

He bought stickers of Cancer Research and it feels like it's his way to let me know that he cares. And it's weird.
I've been feeling weird, and tried to do good stuff for myself and I don't yet know what it's gonna lead to...
I haven't been writing but I've been busy, not so much doing stuff, but my head was busy, and writing feels harder and harder, even when I don't feel really well. Don't we all deserve to get what we want? But it always gets a whole lot harder when we don't know what we want. Frustrating.
It's time, maybe to take decisions, follow them and make the best of it.

to be continued...

Vendredi 30 janvier 2009 à 19:35

The blood was just floating there, under the surface, like a jellyfish would on the surface of the sea. I found it weird.

I haven't been well and I haven't been writing. France was hard on the heart and starting uni again was the last straw... Well, just not really joyous!
A few of the things we need to do are hard, and I am gonna have to constantly read, analyse, learn and read and present and write etc etc...
I received my first pay slip of £274,50 for 30 hours and 30 minutes of work, and it is great!

to be continued...

just a thought

Jeudi 29 janvier 2009 à 19:29

I feel so lonely...
Noël c'était au Pays de Galles avec mon chéri et sa famille. C'était feux de bois dans chaque pièce, beau temps et magnifique balades, pleins de cadeaux et un superbe accueil, beaucoup de bouffe et des sourires...

Nouvel an c'était au fond de mon lit, à souffrir de maux de règles... je me sens coupable que mon chéri est resté avec moi et n'a donc pas fait la fête comme il se doit. Et puis voila...

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
A moi. A Lew. A ma maman que j'aime. A ma soeurette. A ma meilleure amie. A Coral. A ceux qui m'ont accueillie. Aux amis de la fac. Aux amis oubliés en France. A la famille du nord et celle de l'est aussi. A mon père et sa famille. Et puis on s'en remettra n'est-ce pas?

oh god

Vendredi 19 décembre 2008 à 21:55

When you're a kid, you always wish you were older and independent, and supposedly free. In the end, very few people ever realise that it only gets more confusing, tiring, and complex. Truth is, you never grow up. When you're a teenager, you just pretend, so you can convince yourself that you are becoming an adult and you want younger kids to look up to you and envy you. Later on you (seldom) realise that it was just to make yourself feel older, more free, more interesting or whatever image you want to put across... However some people, even around their twenties are still completely desillusioned about them being so superior, for any reasons... that's why they take any opportunity to be rude to you and belittle you. Among other reasons, they, as yourself, have been hurt in their youths (unless...) and have patterns that make them insecure and consequently bully you. Life is shit. Yes. Sometimes. Good day to you.

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