I and Love and You

Mardi 17 novembre 2009 à 2:28

 Je l'ai fait pleuré... je n'ai même pas fait exprès.

Je l'ai fait se sentir mal. Comme s'il me perdait, petit a petit peut être.

Je l'ai fait douter de ses capacités... il ne savait pas quoi faire, comment réagir, et le simple fait que je lui demande d'exprimer ses sentiments l'a fait se sentir égoïste, frustré, énervé et coupable de m'en avoir parlé.

Il a même pensé, and thus made me cry, qu'il ne pourrait peut être pas attendre - until i get these things sorted.

Sinon, le weekend était bien. Je n'aime pas cette relation a distance. C'est déjà la deuxième année, seulement le début, et j'ai hâte que ça se termine. Qu'on puisse vivre ensemble et enfin passer le montant de temps qu'on veut ensemble.

There are so many picture i'd like to show you. and he's just beautiful.

Oh punaise ca fait si longtemps deja que je n'ai pas poste un article? Mais quelle honte... Bref ca doit etre la zone, le trou noir, plus personne ne vient, car ca fait deja + de trois mois que je n'ai pas ecrit...

Oulala... Je ne suis pas tres consistente n'est-ce pas?

L'ete c'etait pas de la tarte et je suis restee fidele a moi meme en etant stressee et ayant du mal a profiter. Pourtant tout etait regroupe pour que je me sente bien et que j'ai l'impression de faire quelquechose d'autre qu'etudier. Les festivals et les visites se sont donc ensuivis, sans que je me rende vraiment compte que cette liberte allait bientot m'etre arrachee. En Alsace, j'etais malade, la aussi fidele a moi meme, je voyais tout en noir et attendant (im)patiemment que le brouillard se passe. Puis Paris et la Bretagne on suivis, en companie de Lewis, et la famille proche. Il faisait tres beau et tout allait bien. A la fin aout quand je refaisais mon papier peint et passait du temps avec mes copines, ca s'est empire pour se finir avec la decision surement finale que je ne peux pas vivre, ah ca non, avec quelqu'un comme lui - qui me bouffe la vie, me tient a la gorge et me le reproche - dans ma vie.

Depuis peu, j'ai donc change d'espace de vie, j'ai fait mes cartons en passant par la casse et je les ai revides, bien ranges, dans mon nouvel espace. Mais les jours sont toujours moroses, le poid de cette decision et la certitude que si cette fois, ce n'est pas moi qui fait le premier pas, il n'y en aura simplement pas un; surement jamais plu. Et c'est mieux comme ca. Et la vie continue son chemin loin de Lewis et proche du stress avec tout ce boulot a faire et ca malheureusement il n'y a pas de jolis mots pour cacher la vraie nature des jours qui se suivent et n'en finissent plus... L'installation n'est pas encore finie, et surement pas definitive, et puis de toute facon je n'ai pas le temps de me pencher sure le probleme plus avant.

Si vous voulez me parler Art Therapie, je vous ecoute, c'est le sujet que j'utilise pour mon memoire cette annee. En Juin 2010, il y aura une vrai fete de fin de licence avec remise de diplome, la robe noire et le chapeau d'etudiant universitaire comme vous le voyez dans les films americains! Et 60% de ma reussite repose sur ma capacite a avoir une bonne note pour mon memoire. Vos prieres sont les bienvenues...

stonehenge... Lewis is 20 =)

Mardi 23 juin 2009 à 1:56

This was a great weekend and I'm sure He* enjoyed it...
He came on friday evening, a bit after I came back from work. Then saturday, we realised that a lot of people had also decided to go to stonehenge for the solstice pagan celebration. I had got the news on friday that I could use the Tennyson's car, managed to get insured on it, for the weekend so I planned on giving a lift to quite a few people.

On saturday evening then, there was alex, max, james, jasper and his new girlfriend at the house... we were hopelessly waiting for lorrie and danny to get there, when alex and max decided to leave, they needed to go on a detour and would meet us there. Then at 10pm, we finally got lorrie and danny in the car and that's when james told me that he couldn't be bothered to go in a convoy, and because we both had GPS we could go at our own pace. So he just took off and I started driving with lewis, lorrie and danny, following the GPS to stonehenge. It went well and I even got the the North Circular before James even though he'd gone much faster! But then they overtook us.

Later on, we got quite close to the field but there was an immense traffic that just wasn't moving. Funilly enough, we ended up being right behind max and alex and decided to stop at the service station that was just there at the place we had to stop. Then a few minutes later, james reversed on the hard shoulder to meet us there too; they'd got lost and driven all the way to salisbury and just couldn't really find their way.

Anyway, we all ended up on this service station, wondering how we could go around the messy traffic there was. I was looking at my phone's GPS to find a way on very small roads and I then asked alex to direct me. Instead of following the very silly idea of some people to just park the cars there, I took the decision to go through with the way I'd found and everyone else followed.

We finally got there, quite late, and having avoided most of the traffic and I was really proud for a first drive in a british car on the left side of the road!!

Then the night went on smoothly with friends, and surrounded by hippies and pagans (and unfortunately by chavs as well - racailles) and we had a great night. I got a t-shirt, a jumper, a key ring, a book, a card and a great weekend for lewis's birthday...

At 9am, we were all in the parking part of the field and I decided to leave. I had a 3-hour drive back to london with 4 other people in the car and I was starting to get really tired. Needing to get the car back by a certain time, I wouldn't have had time to get some sleep before going on the road. So we left, it was sunny and I thought I was gonna fall asleep but thank god I had basement jaxx and garth next to me to keep me awake. At the back, Lewis was getting stoned on weed brownies and lorrie and danny were fucked and tired and fell asleep.

When we got back, finally, we just got in bed and fell asleep in front of the tv. I think it was a perfect weekend and I enjoyed it very much!! photos are to come. Work was hard today, cos I was soooo tired, but now I'm feeling better. Got another shift tomorrow, earning money for the holiday and I am happy to have lewis over here. Long distance relationships just aren't funny...

Much love to everyone.

Prodigy - Invaders Must Die

Vendredi 12 juin 2009 à 0:23

I am tons of different people at the same time, different tastes, different needs, different happiness at different times... And there's this fantasy I have of the person I wish to be, what I wish to look like and possess, and what I wish I was passionate about!

And because I am not that person and I don't know what I'm supposed to do to become that person, its all really confusing and I'm quite unhappy about that.

I want to know some people that I can relate to, easy going, not into binge drinking or excessive smoking, who like to have a good time but don't worship nightclubs... People who are passionate and driven and with who I can share passion and work and success! Some people who can listen and whom I fancy and truly like enough to properly listen back.

I want to build that steady but still crazy life with lew and start having kids as soon as I feel I can provide endlessly for them, lew and me. Now doesn't that sound like a fantasy??

Remember me as a time of day

Dimanche 7 juin 2009 à 22:13

"Take a look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see looking back? Is it the person you want to be? Or is there someone else you were meant to be, the person you should have been but fell short of? Is someone telling you that you can’t or you won’t? Because you can. Believe that love is out there. Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do. Sometimes happiness doesn’t come from money or fame or power. Sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family and from the quiet nobility of leading a good life. Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do. So take a look in that mirror and remind yourself to be happy, because you deserve to be, believe that. And believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do."
- One Tree Hill season 6 finale

I seem to be too affected by the things I watch that make me dream of things that just CAN'T happen in real life. All the drama and the happily ever after, just makes me wanna watch more and more and more so I don't have to look at my own life and feel crap about it. It's not a very healthy way of doing things, especially when I am already struggling to love my life, like myself, appreciate the decisions I've made, and know what I wanna be and what I wanna become and do in life that is actually gonna make me happy. This is so hard to find when you see something on tv or elsewhere, something that is fictional, imaginary, that is completely out of the ordinary and that would never happen in reality; well reality sucks and it is a hard hit! I want these kind of friends who won't be afraid of who I really am and will stick around; I wanna be a better person and be a better friend to someone that I won't judge too harshly; I wanna be strong and brave; I wanna be in total love, fairytale love with my boyfriend, the kind of love that never leaves, and grows through the hardship of life... I want my family to be close to me; I want to build a family with my boyfriend; I want a career that I like and gives me a lot of money, because having enough money takes away quite a lot of worry in terms of stability for yourself, your family and your life in general... Like I said, watching something that finishes well makes me even sadder about the reality, because it doesn't manage to make me believe in 'the happily ever after' and the 'you can fight everything thrown at you' because I am living proof that it is not true. And so, yes, I am a bit depressed about the state of the world and how I WISH things could be different and I could be the person I wanna be, and I would KNOW who I wanna be...


Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace

Mercredi 3 juin 2009 à 4:12

"Make a wish and place it in your heart, anything you want, everything you want. You have it? Good. now believe it can come true. You never know when the next miracle can come from, the next smile, the next wish come true... But if you believe that it's right around the corner; and you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it, you just might get what you're wishing for. The world is full of magic, you just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it? Good. Now believe in it, with all your heart." -One Tree Hill season 5 episode 13

                      Je sais que c'est pas super d'empreinter les mots d'autres personnes, ça peut manquer d'originalité. Mais ceci correspond plutôt bien a mon état du moment, et j'me suis dit que comme je n'avais pas écris depuis des lustres, depuis avant mes 21 ans, je devrais peut être poser ces mots ici. J'ai eu le moral dans les chaussettes, et c'est plutôt bizarre que ça ne m'ait pas conduite ici, pour vider mes états d'ames, mais bon, je suppose que c'est mieux quand c'est plus joyeux, ou plus romantique. Je suppose que je ne manque pas a grand monde, pas que ce soit mon intention dans aucun cas. Il est tard et ma gorge me tue donc j'ai besoin de sommeil. Je retourne à Londres demain et je n'ai vraiment pas envie du tout. Environ 13 heures qui me restent pour convaincre mon chéri d'aller a la strawberry fair a cambridge samedi comme ça on doit pas attendre une semaine et demi pour se voir à nouveau... Bonne nuit
Si les modules Dance Management et Event Management ne sont pas remi en place pour l'année prochaine, je transfère ma license pour aller à Leicester! Il n'y a pas moyen que je me coltine des modules pourri ici parce que personnes a pris nos gouts scolaires en compte alors que je pourrai aller terminer ma license à Leicester en espérant pouvoir participer à l'organisation de leur festival d'une semaine! Voila, c'est ma petite gueulante du jour, quand la fac vous prend pour un con, faut pas se taire, faut se faire comprendre, et menacer de tous se barer si c'est ce qu'il faut!

Je suis la première personne en partant de la gauche sur scène :)

Our show was great, everyone GOT LIFTED! We made a profit, the acts were brilliant! Fran, Brett, Simone, Becca, Lewis, Maria, Jake and many more came to take part... We, all the members of our team, were high on Redbull and high fiving each other because it was going so well! It was a real success!

Now for me it's not finished, I have my portfolio to finish and tomorrow I am going to Birmingham for a rehearsal with lewis, at the weekend it will be work for uni, then monday the recital and finally tuesday my birthday. When I come back to london next wednesday it's back to work for uni, get my portfolio tape binded, hand it in, revise and pass my exam, then finally, write 5500 more words in two essays that are due at the beginning of june thanks to some much needed extensions!

Maman m'a envoyé des jolies photos de ses nouveaux cheveux court gris et ça lui va bien. J'ai du mal à voir le bon côté des choses. Je vais avoir 21 ans et on dirait que je viens juste d'avoir 20 ans! Le temps passe trop vite et en même temps trop lentement, trop de shit à passer; J'attend la fin, mais je ne sais pas la fin de quoi. J'ai été très stressée jusqu'a ce que le spectacle soit fini et maintenant je suis retombée au fond d'un trou où plus rien n'a vraiment d'importance et où j'ai beaucoup de mal à apprécier le moment présent ou même à m'impatienter pour la suite des évènements!

J'ai peur de mon humeur du moment.

elle est trop belle
Bonne soirée à vous.

PS: Y a-t-il encore des visiteurs?

Last night I had the weirdest dream.

I was in an imaginary place: large sunny fields and a very big house.        
     (J'étais dans un endroit imaginaire: de larges champs ensoleillés et une très grande maison)
Someone, a boy, I couldn't say how old he was...
     (Une personne, un garçon, je n'aurai pas su dire de quel age...)
Told me that the sun would kill me if I stepped outside.
     (Me dit que le soleil me tuerai si je sortai de la maison)
The sun was out all the time, like during an eternal day,
     (Le soleil scintillait constamment, comme si c'était le jour éternel)
And however absurd that statement was...
     (Et même si ce qu'il me dit était absurde...)
I believed it with all my heart!
     (Je le cru de tout mon coeur!)
Not wanting to die,
     (Ne voulant pas mourrir,)
I stayed imprisoned in that house for a very long time.
     (Je suis restée emprisonnée dans cette maison pendant très longtemps.)
I have no recollection of what happened after that,
     (Je ne me rappelle pas ce qui s'est passé après ça,)
But I remember that it was really upsetting,
     (Mais je me rappelle que c'était très énervant,)
When suddenly a woman came into the house;
     (Quand soudainement, une femme apparu dans la maison;)
She'd crossed all the magnificent sunny fields,
     (Elle avait traversé les magnifiques champs ensoleillés,)
Those I could only see from behind dusty windows,
     (Ceux que je ne pouvais voir que de derrière les fenêtres sales,)
And she was more alive than I could ever be!
     (Et elle était plus vivante que jamais je ne pourrai l'être!)
She told me I was safe,
     (Elle me dit que j'étais saine et sauve,)
And that I could go run outside if I wished!
     (Et que je pouvais courir dehors si j'en avais l'envie!)
I ran outside of the big prison house,
     (Je courru dehors, loin de cette maison pour prison,)
And I felt free like I'd never felt before!
     (Et je me sentie bien comme je ne m'étais jamais sentie auparavant!)
I never saw the boy again after he told me this lie...
     (Je ne revis jamais le garçon après qu'il m'ait menti...)
And I never wanted to.
     (Comme je l'avais espéré.)
Because that woman who looked like my mum,
     (Car cette femme qui ressemblait à ma mère,)
Had saved me from a very lonely and sad life,
     (M'a sauvée de cette vie seule et triste qui m'attendait,)
And I would be eternally grateful to her for that.
     (Et je lui en serai éternellement reconnaissante pour ça.)

take a plane and fly away

Jeudi 16 avril 2009 à 19:09


aujourd'hui, et ce pour la première fois, j'achète un pantalon taille 42.

Je savais que j'avais un gros derrière doublé de larges hanches (qui font quand même tache avec mes tout petits seins) mais quand même. le 40 je n'arrivais pas a le fermer et mes cuisses ressemblaient a des boudins, mais le 42! vous devriez voir le tour de taille!


when coming out of the grey clouds, it felt like coming out of hell and getting into that white/blue/pink heaven that a blue sky can always make us think of. I love planes...

cops and more. disappointment.

Thé. Pluie.

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